Juninho Pernambucano The Brazilian legend has hit out at Neymar for turning his back on the Brazilians. Who will follow him at the World Cup. They will make their debut against Serbia on Thursday night. ahead of Switzerland and Cameroon respectively. Over the next two group stage games

, Juninho has written for The UFABET an analysis of Brazil not only discussing their chances. But also their prospects. but also in domestic context.
Domestic politics is a hot topic in Brazil. Which is clearly divided into two parties. And the left-winger Lula da Silva has just beaten the right-winger Jair Bolsonaro. in past elections
Neymar has been one of the Brazilian internationals who have always express his support for Bolsonaro, which Juninho finds sad that the 30-year-old has turned his back on his roots.
“Brazilians must watch. While national team captain and star player Neymar has turned his back on 30 million hungry people and 120 million people living without food insecurity. and turned to support Bolsonaro in fighting the non-existent communist threat,” he wrote in the media.
“After so much success, the former Santos player, from a humble background, cut off from the root Including the difficulty and desire of the majority of the population to cheer him on in the World Cup. This is a tragedy.”