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Tag Archives: disease

Benefits of Kefir.

Kefir is a drink made from fermented milk such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sugary water or fruit juice with kefir grains that contain yeast and bacteria. Kefir contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and beneficial microorganisms.  Which these nutrients May help support the functioning of the digestive system,

Things to know before eating bok choy.

Although eating bok choy is good for many aspects of health. But bok choy is a vegetable with a relatively high amount of vitamin K. One cup, or about 70 grams provides about 22 micrograms of vitamin K. Or about 27% of your daily value of vitamin K.  Although vitamin

Benefits of Tempeh.

Tempeh is a food that is starting to gain popularity among health-conscious people. It is made by boiling and fermenting soybeans with fungi that help digest the protein in the beans. until the white fibers hold the beans together in a lump. Tempeh is a great source of

Health Benefits of Cheese.

Cheese is one of the products cow’s milk or goat’s milk. Which is available in a variety of types. Such as mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan. Many people think that is unhealthy and should be avoided. Especially those who are in control of their body weight. Because is a food that